Mesopotamia Fun

Empires simulation is a study of Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is an ancient civilization. In our simulation we, studied religon, centralized government, job specilizations and social classes, arts architecture and public works, and writing. In our simulation there were five different clans. There were the Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, and the Hittites. My clan is the Medes, we will win.

Tribe task: Poster about Mesopotamian Religion

This task is a poster about the Mesopotamian religon. Mesopotamian people were polythiestic. Polytheistic means: believing in more than one god or goddess. The people that lived in Mesopotamia believed that the Ziggurauts were sacred. A Ziggurat is an ancient temple.

Village task: Informational Cards

For this task I made index cards that had the different social classes. Job specilizations and social classes. In mesopotamia, people were ranked in social classes. There was the Upper class, the Middle class, and the Lower class The Upper class consisted of priests, Kings, scribes, and upper class men and women. The Middle class consisted of: merchants and artisans. The Lower class was the Slaves.

Click this to see my slides presentation

City State Task: Slides presentation

This task I made a slide about scribes and hoe they were trained. Writing in Mesopotamia was different than now. Instead of paper, Mesopotamian people used clay tablets. Instead of pencils and pens, they used reeds. Scribes are people in Mesopotamia who were specially trained to read and write cuneiform. Cuneiform is the writing that was used in the ancient  civilization.



Empire Task: iMovie; Staring: Genevieve, Rebecca, Mia, and Dawson

For my last project for the Mesopotamia simulation,  some people in my class and I, made an iMovie. The movie is about the Akkadians trying to overtake Babylon. But the Babylonians were pretty confidient about their defence. In the end, both the Babylonian and the Akkadian leader got washed away by the rush of water released from the dams and dikes.

Click here to whatch my Mesopotamian iMovie